



gut-health n°1

Have you ever wondered how your body turns the food you eat into the energy you need? The secret lies within the fascinating world of gut physiology. Your digestive tract is not just a simple tube for digestion—it’s a complex system designed to absorb essential...

Salon BioFIT 2023

Join us for Salon BioFIT2023 where we'll come together to foster a sens of community, collaboration and success. Let's meet !Booking plateform link Maybe you can also like : Foodtech innovative research boosted with gut and gut-brain axis

Enteric neurons for functional applications in health care

Pharmaceuticals Studying the role of the Enteric Nervous System (ENS) in the development of gut-brain pathologies (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, aging, stress, visceral pain) is an ever-expanding research topic. Researchers are starting to propose numerous...

Enteric neurons and glycemia control

The gut-brain axis:You have a message from your gut In the intestine, gut distension and nutrients are detected by mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, respectively. The activation of these receptors sends an afferent nervous message to the hypothalamus in the brain....